Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ladies & gentlemen, we have a roof!

How awesome is this.
I thought that the snow in the forecast would slow them down, but progress keeps growing! & it's making me very very happy. I can't wait to actually be able to walk through our house. Was def tempted to do it today, but I didn't want anything falling in me! Check out the shots:

our home!

our home!
*As of February 10, 2010

I had to take side shots of our house this time around because there was a HUGE truck and other shiz parked at the front of our house. But I think it gives us a little bit more of a perspective on what just under 2000 sq ft really is ... I'm so excited. Hoping that next time we visit (which is obviously sometime next week, hehehe) we'll have shingles on the roof - is the even the right terminology? Maybe.


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